Week Long Charters

Can I put a “hold” on the boat for a few days to make up my mind?

Can I put a “hold” on the boat for a few days to make up my mind?

This will depend on the specific boat in which you are interested in renting. In general, you can place a several-day hold on the boat while you decide if it is the right boat for your next adventure.


What happens at check-in?

What happens at check-in?

The exact nature of your check-in procedure will depend on both the boat’s operator, and the location. In general, you will receive a chart briefing for the local cruising grounds, and a complete overview of the yacht and each of its systems. This will also be your chance to ask any questions that you may wish.


What do I do if the boat breaks?

What do I do if the boat breaks?

If the boat breaks, you should call the direct operator immediately to see if they can walk you through the repair, or send a representative to help fix the boat.  


How do I plan my itinerary?

How do I plan my itinerary?

Sailo and/or the operator of the vessel can help you to plan the perfect itinerary depending on exactly what you want to get out of your vacation.


Can I dock the boat anywhere?

Can I dock the boat anywhere?

You will have to return the boat to the same port from where you left, unless the charter allows a one way booking for an additional fee. During your charter, you may dock the boat anywhere that legally allows you to tie up there. There will likely be additional docking fees at each location which are generally charged on a per foot, per night basis.  


Where do I fill water and fuel tanks?

Where do I fill water and fuel tanks?

You can fill up both your fuel and water tanks at the departure base. In generally, this will be done for you prior to setting sail. While on your charter, you can top off the tanks at a marina, or town dock.  


What are the start days / times and end day / times?

What are the start days / times and end day / times?

Most term charters (weekly rentals) are for Saturday to Saturday. Keep in mind that the boat generally needs to be back at the dock by Friday evening, and you will need to be off the boat on Saturday morning so they can prepare the boat for the next guests. The exact time of day will depend on the specific boat.    


What is a transit log?

What is a transit log?

The specifics of the transit log will depend on the charter operator, but it will likely include a local tax and/or permit among other things.  It may also be used more broadly to include things such as towels, linens, welcome packs, and gas bottles for the stove.  


Why is the weekly price different for different periods of time?

Why is the weekly price different for different periods of time?

As with many businesses, there is seasonality in the charter business depending on the location. The difference in pricing for different periods reflects high and low seasons as well as in-between periods.  


Do I need to pay for meals for the crew?

Do I need to pay for meals for the crew?

In general, you will be required to provide meals for the captain and mate on your week-long charter. For larger yachts; however, this will not be the case.


What should I pack for the holiday?

What should I pack for the holiday?

Sailo recommends keeping it simple. Pack in soft sided suitcases that are easy to compress and store on the boat.  


Can I rent a bareboat? What experience do I need?

Can I rent a bareboat? What experience do I need?

Yes, you can rent a bareboat on Sailo as long as you are 18 years of age or older. The experience required will depend on the specific operator, boat, and location. In general, boat owners and operators will want to see that you have significant experience operating a similar vessel. Specific licenses and certificates are not necessarily required, but can help to show your level of competence.


Can I charge my iPhone / electronic devices?

Can I charge my iPhone / electronic devices?

Yes, you should be able to charge your devices aboard without a problem, but please confirm with the captain/owner of your particular charter boat. For boats without an inverter, you will need a 12 volt, DC adapter in order to charge your phone or other device. For boats with an inverter, you can use your normal, AC plug to charge different devices.   
